Amateur Fucking Uploads

Baby oil bathtub solo naked uploads

2 of 2 - from June last year. Second two of four videos. 3 - starting with the baby oil still on her big tits from the previous video, my friend holds them up. 4 - lastly she rubs the oil off, with nice tit movements.
2 of 2 - from june last year. second two of four videos. 3 - starting with ...
Three joined videos, all made on the same day in April 2021. 1 - my lovely friend gives a quick squirt of baby oil on each big tit. 2 - same again. 3 - and then, I help out - rubbing the oil over them plus her belly, and a quick touching as my reward ;)
three joined videos, all made on the same day in april 2021. 1 - my lovely ...
Made on the same day in April 2021, here are six videos joined. 1 - lifting top and getting tits out. 2 - she squirts baby oil. 3 - I rub the oil in. 4 - she holds them up. 5 and 6 - she holds them apart. Enjoy :)
made on the same day in april 2021, here are six videos joined. 1 - ...
Imagination... the baby oil my friend rubbed on her big tits earlier has dried a little - so now two imaginary friends standing waiting beside me take one tit each. They eagerly rub more oil in, while she helpfully holds her big tits up for them, smiling.
imagination... the baby oil my friend rubbed on her big tits earlier has ...
Right tit only - my friend holds up her big tits, straight after she squirted baby oil over them, so they are still dripping. Some oil also ran off them onto her fingers and belly as well. A lovely close-up ;)
right tit only - my friend holds up her big tits, straight after she ...
Right tit only again. Taken 12 minutes after the previous picture. With the baby oil now wiped off, my friend cleaned her big tits further by then squirting water over them - some remaining oil then creating droplets ...
right tit only again. taken 12 minutes after the previous picture. with ...
'Yes they ARE rather heavy, I see what your friend meant the other day. Hope he finds us in this remote part of the woodland for this second meeting. I bought that bottle of baby oil down there also - get him to rub more oil in' is maybe what she says.
'yes they are rather heavy, i see what your friend meant the other day. ...
'That's it, take your time with my big tits. A little baby oil to start with is alright - I'll keep my hands in my pockets the whole time. Now squirt more over them. Then put the bottle down and rub the oil in with both hands'. Could be what she said ;)
'that's it, take your time with my big tits. a little baby oil to start ...
Imagination ... 'See those streaks of baby oil running off my big tits and down my belly - guess where it runs to. Guess also if I am wearing trousers or not. Just carry on, keep squirting more oil over them, then rub it in - tits and belly'.
imagination ... 'see those streaks of baby oil running off my big tits and ...
'Even when I said hello to your friend, he kept looking at my tits under my jumper. I lifted it slowly, and each tit flopped out. Then he watched me rub baby oil on them. I think he now wants to bury his head in there - oil and all'. Maybe she said that.
'even when i said hello to your friend, he kept looking at my tits under ...
'Let me lift up my left tit and see how you both did, now the blindfold is off. That looks alright - a nice spread of baby oil, with it still dripping below. You can do the other one after you've rubbed more oil in this one.' A guess at what she said ;)
'let me lift up my left tit and see how you both did, now the blindfold is ...
'Thanks for putting my trousers over there and folding them neatly. Your friend helped himself to the baby oil, and to my left tit while you were doing that. Come and join him -  you both can oil my other tit, if you want'. She may have said ;)
'thanks for putting my trousers over there and folding them neatly. your ...
'So pleased your friends are having a good time. Lifting my jumper up, kissing and fondling my big tits, squirting baby oil over them. Next they want to rub the oil in, see them hang down as I bend over ...' is maybe what she said ;)
'so pleased your friends are having a good time. lifting my jumper up, ...
'When your friend has finished that first bottle of baby oil, you both can swap places. I will give you the second bottle so you can rub the oil in, while he stands behind me holding up my big tits and he'll get oily fingers'. She may have said.
'when your friend has finished that first bottle of baby oil, you both can ...
'Thanks for going to get more baby oil - look what your two friends did with my big tits! You saw just as you were leaving that they quickly got my tits out. After that they took turns squirting the oil on and rubbing it in'. She may have said.
'thanks for going to get more baby oil - look what your two friends did ...
'You behind me have nice sunburnt and gentle hands; I guess you were abroad recently. Your friend has given my big tits some nice coverage with the baby oil. Now spread them wide apart so he can also oil my cleavage and belly!' Perhaps she said that.
'you behind me have nice sunburnt and gentle hands; i guess you were ...
My friend could have been saying ... 'OK guys you can turn around now. I have lifted my shirt and got my big tits out for you to play with - and a teasing bonus, some baby oil added. So ... your turn to add a lot more oil please'.
my friend could have been saying ... 'ok guys you can turn around now. i ...
'You want to do that now, after you put baby oil over them? As long as you are sure - here you are then. I stand here, hands holding up my big tits, still dripping with oil ... one two three and open! There, stick your head inbetween!!' She may have said.
'you want to do that now, after you put baby oil over them? as long as you ...
My friend is holding up her big tits and may be saying ... 'Yes, you guys may be right - they do look rather nice with all that baby oil over them, and my belly too. Glad you liked doing it; 
 now rub the oil in some more'.
my friend is holding up her big tits and may be saying ... 'yes, you guys ...
'Nice oiling guys - hope you had fun. There's still some baby oil left in the bottle - how about I bend over now and you use up the rest of the oil on my hanging big tits, then you can watch it drip off '. She could have been saying.
'nice oiling guys - hope you had fun. there's still some baby oil left in ...
'Ready - I kneel before you two, presenting my big tits for you to aim at. I left the baby oil on that you rubbed in earlier. I tucked a protective towel in. Now time for sperm over the oil. After, I'll bend over so it all drips off'. She may have said.
'ready - i kneel before you two, presenting my big tits for you to aim at. ...
Standing in woodland my friend may have been saying ... 'Well if you two want to put even more baby oil over my big tits, I had better take my top off to stop it getting in the way. Also so I can bend over and you can oil them while they are hanging'.
standing in woodland my friend may have been saying ... 'well if you two ...
She has her arms up, tied onto a tree branch above her. My friend stands behind her, a bottle of baby oil in his left hand, and his right hand is rubbing the oil onto her big tits. Maybe
she has her arms up, tied onto a tree branch above her. my friend stands ...
She might be saying ... 'Can you fold my trousers neatly please, and put them over there, next to the baby oil and stuff. Thanks, and now help me take my top off too, on this hot day. Actually bring the oil back I think - needs more over my big tits'.
she might be saying ... 'can you fold my trousers neatly please, and put ...
Tit bits. First time this year that baby oil was used, and the small cleaning towel to wipe the oil off afterwards had little bits / specks on it - she brushes them off. Before that I have a go from behind at helping to wipe down her big tits.
tit bits. first time this year that baby oil was used, and the small ...
'Show me the bottle of baby oil guys. Yes, plenty left, good. So far a nice even coating all over my big tits - lovely. Now squirt the oil on and let it drip off please'. She could have been saying ;)
'show me the bottle of baby oil guys. yes, plenty left, good. so far a ...
For one teasing moment I thought my friend was going to take her trousers off, but no - only tucking in a small towel to catch the drips of baby oil. I undo the bottle cap and pass her the oil which she gives a generous squirt of over each big tit. Lovely
for one teasing moment i thought my friend was going to take her trousers ...
She may have been saying to my two friends ... 'Can you stand either side and each lift a big tit up high then let it drop, so the oil splatters - should make a nice sound. I hold the bottle of baby oil behind me, if you need to add more'.
she may have been saying to my two friends ... 'can you stand either side ...
1 of 2 - made this afternoon. Oil. Under the shade of a tall oak tree, my lovely friend lifts up her big tits, which she had earlier squirted baby oil on. A small woodland in the background.
1 of 2 - made this afternoon. oil. under the shade of a tall oak tree, my ...
With baby oil now wiped off (so we can go to a different location), my friend firstly checks her big tits out to see if she missed any oil there. Nice !
with baby oil now wiped off (so we can go to a different location), my ...
9 of 9 - big tits / baby oil / motorway. Last part. My friend strokes her big tits to feel if any oil still on them. She found a few places, and vigorously gives them a lovely second wiping with the towel. A nice afternoon, thank you !
9 of 9 - big tits / baby oil / motorway. last part. my friend strokes her ...
'Guys - stand each side of this log I am on. My big tits are still shiny after you squirted baby oil on, and please now squirt some lovely sperm over my tits as well. The towel is ready to catch and drips from the oil and sperm mixture'. She may have said
'guys - stand each side of this log i am on. my big tits are still shiny ...
Kindly standing with her arms behind her back, so I get good access to her big tits, my lovely friend stands before me. She squirted baby oil over them herself, then I get to rub each tit plus spread a little oil on her belly. Thanks ;)
kindly standing with her arms behind her back, so i get good access to her ...
Under a shady tree she lifts her loose shirts up, then smears baby oil over her big tits. Jacket and trousers (on lower right) removed so the oil does not drip on them. Then, while waiting for my friends to arrive, she holds her tits up as a welcome ..
under a shady tree she lifts her loose shirts up, then smears baby oil ...
No choice. This afternoon there was no small towel, to catch the drips when my friend squirted baby oil over her big tits. So to protect her trousers from the oil, there was no choice but to take them off first ...
no choice. this afternoon there was no small towel, to catch the drips ...
My lovely friend quickly squirted baby oil over her big tits. Now she holds one up and presents it to have the streaks of oil slowly rubbed in ;)
my lovely friend quickly squirted baby oil over her big tits. now she ...
I get the hint. We are in a hollow in a field next to a pond, and she sits on a log. She gets her big tits out, then squirts baby oil over them. Turning to face me she holds her tits up and waggles them at me - a request to rub the streaks of oil in ...
i get the hint. we are in a hollow in a field next to a pond, and she sits ...
She passes the baby oil to our other guest - here you are, you can also do thirty seconds of squirting like your friend did, as you can see. Then I will close the bottle and you can choose a big tit each and rub the oil in slowly ...
she passes the baby oil to our other guest - here you are, you can also do ...
My friend is over half way through spreading baby oil over her lovely big tits. Kneeling in woodland, her right hand rubbing the oil in, and her left hand reaches out to a guest getting prepared ...
my friend is over half way through spreading baby oil over her lovely big ...
In a woodland yesterday afternoon my friend had her big tits out, and she bends over in front of me - so I had to have a play with them. In the summer I will need the baby oil ready as well - to oil them while they are temptingly hanging like this ;)
in a woodland yesterday afternoon my friend had her big tits out, and she ...
Love to oil up my cock and balls with baby oil after a nice shave
love to oil up my cock and balls with baby oil after a nice shave
Under the trees I handed my lovely friend a bottle of baby oil; she squirted her big tits, then passed it back. Next, for some reason she stands with hands behind her. Ooh - maybe she wants me to now rub those oil streaks in ...
under the trees i handed my lovely friend a bottle of baby oil; she ...
I kneel in front of my lovely friend as she tucks a towel in to catch the drips from her big tits. I then take forever to get the baby oil out of a bag, and pass the oil to her. She has several squirts, then says 'here' as she passes it back
i kneel in front of my lovely friend as she tucks a towel in to catch the ...
The guest lifted her top, massaged her big tits, and she said he could rub baby oil on them. He squirted them, but then paused to lower her trousers a little, risking getting dripped on from her tits. Then he stood up and rubbed the oil in. She smiled
the guest lifted her top, massaged her big tits, and she said he could rub ...
'Pass the baby oil please' said the guest. She thought it was to continue the oiling of her big tits that she started. But no. He took down her trousers. The only thing she said, while he was busy down below was 'ooh, that's cold' about the oil
'pass the baby oil please' said the guest. she thought it was to continue ...
The guest eagerly takes the bottle of baby oil she passes to him. He has just arrived and seen her underwear is off and she already has oiled her big tits. She says 'here, please now oil my cunt', as she bends over and spreads in front of him ...
the guest eagerly takes the bottle of baby oil she passes to him. he has ...
A large-breasted lady has just now squirted streaks of baby oil over them, and her belly as well. With her dripping tits in the woodland shade she stands, with hands behind her back, waiting for the oil to be slowly rubbed in ...
a large-breasted lady has just now squirted streaks of baby oil over them, ...
Hooray - my 5,000th photo !! My lovely friend prepares to meet a guest in woodland. She has got her big tits out and squirted them with baby oil. I help by holding her underwear down so the oil can run over her hairy pussy. She waves as he arrives ...
hooray - my 5,000th photo !! my lovely friend prepares to meet a guest in ...
BBB - Big Baby-oiled Breast. I am on my knees in woodland, and looking up; my friend has got her tits out. She squirts baby oil over them, some of it runs off and makes streaks down her belly. All shiny and wonderful ;)
bbb - big baby-oiled breast. i am on my knees in woodland, and looking up; ...
just having a quick fuck doggie style,couldent help myself after seeing her ass covered in baby oil
just having a quick fuck doggie style,couldent help myself after seeing ...
All covered in baby oil, want to help rub it on for me?
all covered in baby oil, want to help rub it on for me?
Hot male striptease video!! I strip from sexy underwear, rub baby oil over body and cock! Then I'm so turned on I shoot some cum without touching my cock, amazing! Finally let go and shoot cum everywhere! This is hot!
hot male striptease video!! i strip from sexy underwear, rub baby oil over ...
I added some baby oil around the pussy, to make it all shine.
i added some baby oil around the pussy, to make it all shine.
Already moist, but adding a baby oil shine to the proceedings, and pussy.
already moist, but adding a baby oil shine to the proceedings, and pussy.
Methinks I used too much baby oil, and with her being so hairy it took some while to clean after. Still ... :)
methinks i used too much baby oil, and with her being so hairy it took ...
It's her fault for buying the baby oil, really !
it's her fault for buying the baby oil, really !
A little baby oil makes the hairy pussy shine.
a little baby oil makes the hairy pussy shine.
Got very turned on after rubbing in the baby oil, want to help me rub some more in?!
got very turned on after rubbing in the baby oil, want to help me rub some ...
hubbys cock covered in baby oil
hubbys cock covered in baby oil
stoking hubbys cock with my feet and covered in baby oil
stoking hubbys cock with my feet and covered in baby oil
mrs s puts on the baby oil,its what makes her so soft and sexy,would you like to rub some on her???
mrs s puts on the baby oil,its what makes her so soft and sexy,would you ...
pics taken on hols last year having fun with baby oil
pics taken on hols last year having fun with baby oil
Just love baby oil being rubbed into my hard cock
just love baby oil being rubbed into my hard cock
Mrs Oz wanks my cock with a baby oil hand job she has a great technique
mrs oz wanks my cock with a baby oil hand job she has a great technique
like my natural tan,baby oil all over
like my natural tan,baby oil all over
Horny as hell, & all alone @ home with nothing but hard nipples,soft tits,baby oil & thoughts of my man to keep me occupied. mmm!!!..
horny as hell, & all alone @ home with nothing but hard nipples,soft ...
just me. being all cute and stuff with baby oil. :)
you like?
just me. being all cute and stuff with baby oil. :) you like?
Felt good working in the baby oil, can you tell?
felt good working in the baby oil, can you tell?
some baby oil fun
some baby oil fun
Would you enjoy cumming on my tits and watching me rub it in like it was baby oil????
would you enjoy cumming on my tits and watching me rub it in like it was ...
Cock Lubed with Baby Oil Gel 1 - Ready to Zoig ! Cock hardening up !
cock lubed with baby oil gel 1 - ready to zoig ! cock hardening up !
Cock Lubed with Baby Oil Gel 2 - Ready to Zoig ! Pumping in viens !
cock lubed with baby oil gel 2 - ready to zoig ! pumping in viens !
Cock Lubed with Baby Oil Gel 3 - Ready to Zoig ! Stroking shaft of cock !
cock lubed with baby oil gel 3 - ready to zoig ! stroking shaft of cock !
Cock Lubed with Baby Oil Gel 4 - Ready to Zoig ! Shaft hard & Head Swollen !
cock lubed with baby oil gel 4 - ready to zoig ! shaft hard & head ...
Cock Lubed with Baby Oil Gel 5 - Ready for Zoig ! Underneath of Head !
cock lubed with baby oil gel 5 - ready for zoig ! underneath of head !
Cock Lubed with Baby Oil Gel 6 - Ready to Zoig ! Head of cock !
cock lubed with baby oil gel 6 - ready to zoig ! head of cock !
Its got a little messy around here, smothering myself with baby oil - feels good - do you wanna play?
its got a little messy around here, smothering myself with baby oil - ...
Pt1..Having a little fun with the Baby Oil - this is just a little warm up / pic taking session. Will you help us take the pics for next time? - If you like - please vote and comment x
pt1..having a little fun with the baby oil - this is just a little warm up ...
Pt3.. Getting a good fucking after being covered in baby oil - viewing ourselves through the mirror was a turn on for us. We enjoyed - did you?
pt3.. getting a good fucking after being covered in baby oil - viewing ...
having some fun with the baby oil - do you wanna help out?
having some fun with the baby oil - do you wanna help out?
mmmmm. baby oil makes me all slippery.
mmmmm. baby oil makes me all slippery.
a hard cock,a little baby oil feels so good
would anyone give me a hand job
a hard cock,a little baby oil feels so good would anyone give me a hand ...
Just out of the shower, about to put some baby oil on my knob
Would you like to give me a blow job?
I would love to explore your pussy
just out of the shower, about to put some baby oil on my knob would you ...
Wanking his lovely cock with baby oil and playing with his ball
wanking his lovely cock with baby oil and playing with his ball
Drenched in baby oil
drenched in baby oil
about to fuck a we tight 20year olds pussy covered in baby oil.
about to fuck a we tight 20year olds pussy covered in baby oil.
Flower playing with some Baby Oil
flower playing with some baby oil
Pouring the Baby Oil all over her sexy body.
pouring the baby oil all over her sexy body.
Me in one of my favourite porn star poses, spreading my cheeks and exposing my asshole, having greased it with baby oil beforehand prior to getting fucked
me in one of my favourite porn star poses, spreading my cheeks and ...
Close-up of my uncut prick smeared with a liberal supply of baby oil
close-up of my uncut prick smeared with a liberal supply of baby oil
anita and i massaging each other with baby oil and then fucking
anita and i massaging each other with baby oil and then fucking
Close-up of my forsskinned prick and balls smeared in baby oil
close-up of my forsskinned prick and balls smeared in baby oil
My cum-filled balls and my tight fuckhole smeared with lashings of baby oil.  Anyone fancy a lick???
my cum-filled balls and my tight fuckhole smeared with lashings of baby ...
wife suzie squirting baby oil on her titties!
wife suzie squirting baby oil on her titties!
My dick and balls glistening under a thick smearing of baby oil
my dick and balls glistening under a thick smearing of baby oil
rubbing in the baby oil-making sure all areas are oiled
rubbing in the baby oil-making sure all areas are oiled
just loving the feel of my pussy covered in baby oil...mmmm
just loving the feel of my pussy covered in baby oil...mmmm
just pondering whether to add some more baby oil to my glans? what do you think...
just pondering whether to add some more baby oil to my glans? what do you ...
My uncut dick and my balls smeared with baby oil
my uncut dick and my balls smeared with baby oil
Smeared in baby oil and on show for all you guys and gals out there who love to see long uncut pricks
smeared in baby oil and on show for all you guys and gals out there who ...
My bare ass smeared in baby oil
my bare ass smeared in baby oil
My gapimg porno fuckhole smeared with baby oil to make it easier for you to slide in your pricks and strap-ons
my gapimg porno fuckhole smeared with baby oil to make it easier for you ...
Smeared in baby oil for a nice cunt and ass
smeared in baby oil for a nice cunt and ass
In 30mins,I got sunburned. Didn't use any coppertone or baby oil...NOTHING!
in 30mins,i got sunburned. didn't use any coppertone or baby ...
Stayed out in the Tx sun for 30mins OUCH! No coppertone/baby oil used.
stayed out in the tx sun for 30mins ouch! no coppertone/baby oil used.
Just me getting out of the shower and adding some baby oil.. want to help?
just me getting out of the shower and adding some baby oil.. want to help?
new cock ring and baby oil
new cock ring and baby oil
holding my tits after rubbing them with baby oil.Would you like to play with my nipples.
holding my tits after rubbing them with baby oil.would you like to play ...
My uncut dick smeared in baby oil
my uncut dick smeared in baby oil
My uncut dick smeared in baby oil
my uncut dick smeared in baby oil
Close up of me softly glistening smeared in baby oil
close up of me softly glistening smeared in baby oil
her sweet ass , she knows what I like ,because she's telling me to bring
the baby oil , and start rubbing it on her ass !!!!
any body want to give a try?
her sweet ass , she knows what i like ,because she's telling me to ...
More from St Louis weekend of pure sucking and fucking. Getting ready
to rub warm baby oil on her gorgeous ass and body. And mount her again.
Like to dp her with someone. She knows how to please me. Don't you think
she needs some more cock ?
more from st louis weekend of pure sucking and fucking. getting ready to ...
Was hot here today.. certainly felt it under my collar! Out came the baby oil and pretty quickly I began leaking pre-cum whilst checking out XposedWife's profile..

(I need to do a little house keeping.. was just too horny to wait!!).
was hot here today.. certainly felt it under my collar! out came the baby ...
Was hot here today.. certainly felt it under my collar! Out came the baby oil and pretty quickly I began leaking pre-cum whilst checking out XposedWife's profile.. (I need to do a little house keeping.. was just too horny to wait!!).
was hot here today.. certainly felt it under my collar! out came the baby ...
Was hot here today.. certainly felt it under my collar! Out came the baby oil and pretty quickly I began leaking pre-cum whilst checking out XposedWife's profile..
was hot here today.. certainly felt it under my collar! out came the baby ...
A little baby oil for easier slipping and sliding
a little baby oil for easier slipping and sliding
a little baby oil!
a little baby oil!
A hot shower and baby oil, ready to play!
a hot shower and baby oil, ready to play!
A bit of baby oil, but most of the juices were from her wet cunt. That asshole is sooooo tight!
a bit of baby oil, but most of the juices were from her wet cunt. that ...