now that you have pushed my foreskin back what shall i do with 'him'?
my knob has burst through my foreskin again, not surprising when watching a hot ...
showing my juicy foreskin
now you have decided to ease back my foreskin what would you do next?
a tool to pull back my foreskin
revealing the swollen glans within my foreskin
foreskin position 2
mr stiffie eases back the foreskin to reveal his shiny 'head.'
hard & full ! - full foreskin !
would you dock my cock ...stick your tongue under my foreskin ??
once again 'he' is keen for you to ease back his foreskin.
i think my foreskin needs traightening out ! would you mind helping?
any foreskin fans?
real close foreskin display :)
i think 'his' foreskin need adjusting. what will you do with it?
do you like foreskin or ?
holding back my foreskin
i think mr stiffie has two things in mind, first you remove the pants, then you ...
foreskin pulled back
my foreskin covered dick and balls hanging out of my jeans. my balls are huge ...
foreskin back and glistening head on show
mr floppy with his wrinkled foreskin all puckered up
i love my foreskin it covers my whole dick and there is plenty of room left
foreskin and feet.......
play my butthole and commemorate, because i will cut my foreskin next week, and ...
freshly cut cock.. 2 months after getting foreskin removed. sex feels amazing ...
stretching my foreskin outdoors. you like?
flaccid dick foreskin retracted 2
how about we pretend that i don't have a foreskin and you get to work on mr ...
how about you deal with my foreskin instead of me?
uncut but foreskin pulls back really easily. could really enjoy a soft mouth ...
my cock got so hard looking at zoig friends my cock head pushed through my ...
my foreskin
wow!! 'he' stood up for you really quickly. would you like to help ease my ...
at rest, foreskin straining to cover the head.
foreskin partially retracted
foreskin back and resting on ons side both my glans and balls are on show.
foreskin pulled back !
front view of my foreskin
just trying to wank without pulling my foreskin back all the way...felt quite ...
once well lubed the foreskin slide back so easily.
playing with foreskin !
more of bens foreskin
showing some like it?
foreskin retracted to the roots.
my wife loves the feel of the foreskin sliding back and forth as i pound her
natural foreskin
go look under my foreskin
normal cock with foreskin
a little something for the foreskin lovers..
my foreskin is eased back just enough for me to get a 'clear shot'. where shall ...
hpow about starting with the foreskin back for a change?
after pumping swollen foreskin
for lovers of my foreskin 2
when your foreskin is as big as your dick!
you have clearly excited me; i am trying to break free from my foreskin.
foreskin oozing precum
fingering the foreskin.....
showing my nice tan huge cock head i dropped in my wife’s pussy with clean ...
do you like my long foreskin?
small cock, soft cock, foreskin, tiny dick, tiny, small, little, sissy,cute, ...
on the rise; we have a stiffening shaft, the foreskin easing back and the veins ...
warming up and foreskin play
foreskin a little bit retracted
i love my foreskin!!!
my soft foreskin
do you like this look or is the foreskin look better?
your challenge is to get my foreskin back behind my corona without using your ...
so - would you push my foreskin back ? how
foreskin play 4 - foreskin up !
do you prefer foreskin forward ?
my foreskin,what do think girls ? want see it inaction?
i wonder could you ease back my foreskin without using your hands?
where has 'his' foreskin gone.
pulling on my foreskin - love to have it twisted and pulled
love my rings!my balls are so tight it pulls my foreskin right back…so damn ...
drawing back my tight foreskin and exposing my head
flaccid penis show my balls, foreskin and ass whit anus
canadacock - foreskin
what would you like to do to my foreskin ?
cock with foreskin slightly pulled back and juice showing !
small and limo, uncut with foreskin pulled right back
things are livening up but still not erect and excess foreskin clear to see.
it is strange how with the foreskin rolled back i appear develop a curve as i ...
look like i am starting to swell as the foreskin is rolled back !!
foreskin pulled back
pulling foreskin ! foreskin pulled back on shaft !
here's one with my foreskin pulled back and still flaccid.
flaccidith my foreskin fully rolled back
any of you ladies like to peel back my foreskin to find out what lies beneath?
pulling back my foreskin 2
getting hard, foreskin about to reveal my bulging purple end
enjoyed this cumshot onto my hand, foreskin pull up and squeezing it out.
do you prefer glands exposed or covered by foreskin?
with foreskin back....i'm kinda self if it's not like this
foreskin 4
who likes to suck and nibble on silky soft foreskin?
pull back my foreskin
a view of my foreskin when mr floppy is around
foreskin and balls
i pick up mr floppy by the foreskin and stretch it upwards.
a rare moment; flaccid with foreskin retracted.
flesh , skin, smooth balls , and of course …. some good ol foreskin.... ...
do you like my long foreskin???
anyone like to help me roll my foreskin over?
cockhead with foreskin pulled back and balls hanging....
my big prick with my knob making its way through my foreskin and with a hint of ...
does this foreskin make me look fat?
can you tell where my foreskin is?
showing of my erection with foreskin forwards.
that's me, 100% natural, even after a hard day at work. complete with foreskin ...
i pump my cock an musturbate till my foreskin gets a donut.
i thought that you may be interested in a little closeup foreskin action.